Darts coach: useful training aids

There are two training aids I use which stems from the way I was taught to play. In this post I will outline the first.
In the beginning, my coach would close the cabinet doors on his board, leaving a gap of an inch….before reminding me he had never hit the doors in 30 years of practicing.
I credit this practice method for a lot of my success, as it formulated a lot of the principles I practice and teach today.
After practicing this method at my coaches place for a period, I practiced a similar routine using a piece of string run down the centre of the 20.
This was my sole focus for a season, although it wouldn’t be until several years later that I gained control over my line.
Using the string, there are 3 points of focus in the technique that may be beneficial to gaining control over your line.
- Your body position must allow your throw to draw back and follow through along the line without feeling forced at any point.
- Your fingers should release with all controlling fingers running down the line during the throw, with the thumb and index finger running down the line at the release point.
- There is a point behind your hand (where radius bone connects to the wrist) that can control the line when it becomes a focus point in conjunction with the line. Keeping the point of the wrist in your minds eye while throwing can help gain a level of control….though not everyone can visualise the connection.

Give it a try!
Happy Darts
Raymond "Guru" Smith